Posts Dealing With

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Learning About OPEC

If you're looking for extra credit, read the entry and follow the instructions at the bottom.

First, go to Stushare, open the students folder, then Habecker, and open the word document.

(If you're a teacher outside our school system using this lesson, you may click on the OPEC Document to go download a copy of the document.  I did give a little prep using this startup and a couple minutes of discussion, but there wasn't too much.)

Once you have the document downloaded, add your name, date, and hour to the top of the page.

Click "save as" and then save it to your network drive.

Then, go to OPEC's Website and read through some of the Frequently Asked Questions. The paper you are working on tells you which you should read.

There is some difficult vocabulary on OPEC's website. No need to fear, the world is at your finger-tips. If you come across a word you don't know, go to

Type the word "define" followed by the word or phrase you need to define:

Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy.

Once again, like it says in the instructions on the paper - make sure you summarize. Do not simply cut and paste.

Finally, you have a couple questions that come from a graph found HERE.

Answer those questions as well. If you've got questions, ask away. I'll be walking around the class helping you out. Just raise your hand, ok? Seriously... what's with all the shouting out in here? (You know who I'm talking to...)

If you finish up before the end of class, play the world geography games. Play the Middle East Countries. (That's the middle column.)

Extra credit: So... that was class today.  First hour was a little rough because the link was blocked, but other than that it was pretty smooth.  To get the extra credit, discuss this blog (and OPEC) with an adult - what it is, why it was created...  Then, write the following on a piece of scrap paper: "Ahhh... 6000 years of human history condensed into one handy 35 question test.  THAT'LL prove how smart I am."  

Don't forget, the piece of scrap paper needs two names on it: yours and the signature of the adult you discussed it with. 

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