Posts Dealing With

Monday, May 21, 2012

Promises Promises

We started the movie "Promises" today.  You can watch the trailer below:

The movie follows 7 Israeli/Palestinian kids from 1997-1999 and then again follows up with them in 2005.  It's an interesting take on the Israeli/Palestinian Conflict and (along with Gandhi) is one of the two big movies we watch every year.

This year it seems especially relevant as Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was in power during the filming, and he's not only back in power - but making quite a few headlines again.  For instance, he was on this weeks cover of Time:

Netanyahu Time Cover

Given the theological/political history of the region and the groups that have been fighting, I find it interesting that people are referring to him as "King Bibi" as well as "The King of Israel."  We don't discuss this in class, but I find it interesting...

Students, if you want extra credit today, discuss the what we saw of Promises with an adult.  Compare the kids in the movie.  Compare where they lived and how they lived.

Finally, write the following phrase on a piece of scrap paper, and turn it in to the extra credit tray:  "I know the sixth amendment."

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