Posts Dealing With

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

EC Survey

Chances are some of you are reading the blog today because of the Extra Credit Survey I passed out.  I'll be interested in the results of the survey, and I'm planning on using it to inform my teaching and use of this blog in the classroom.

We finished up our 9/11 stations today - and for the most part wrapped up our discussions.  We may talk about it a little bit tomorrow as well, but we're probably ready to move on.

We did watch a time-lapsed video of Freedom Tower being built.  I had a lot of questions about that yesterday.  I think I gave some of my students some incorrect information about the tower today.  I said that I didn't think it was completed yet, but wikipedia says it was "topped out" in August, due to open in 2013.  ...I'll have to make sure I clarify that tomorrow.  My brother lives in Brooklyn and often works in Manhattan.  He was supposed to get me some original pictures of it.  Come on man.  Seriously, bro.

By the way, here's the video in case you're interested:

If you want the extra credit for reading and discussing the blog with an adult today, discuss the following question: what would get more students to read the extra credit blog, or play the extra credit geography games?  After discussing this, write the following quote on a piece of scrap paper: "We should never have lived like we were skyscrapers."  Then, have the adult you read the blog with sign the paper.

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