Posts Dealing With

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Homework? What Homework?

That's right folks, you all had homework in social studies today.  (Ok, 2nd hour is exempt... so parents, if your kid is in my 2nd hour class and says, "I'm not lying, Mr. Habecker didn't assign it to us," he's telling the truth.)

At any rate, if that's not finished, it might be a good idea to finish it up as soon as you're done reading and discussing the blog.

Today in class we wrote the second part of the cultural ingredients story, I spilled the beans on yesterday's blog/facebook secret, and then most classes worked on the cultural ingredients chart.  (If you were absent, you can download it by clicking on the link.)

If you want the extra credit, you have to have read and discussed the blog with an adult.  Some topics you may consider discussing: the ingredients of culture, how your pictures turned out, the story you wrote...  I don't know.  Discuss whatever you want.  It's your life.

When you're done discussing the blog, write two sentences.  One should describe the picture you drew to represent "food."  The other should describe the picture you drew to represent "customs."  Then, have the adult you read it with sign the scrap of paper, signifying that you really did read and discuss the blog.


  1. comment I am commenting!!! Well that was really cool Mr. Habecker!!

  2. Hey Teach.... great blogs, Cariss and I enjoy these.

    Keep up the great work!

    1. hey mr.habecker just finish doing the blog its supper easy

  3. Thanks. And thanks for taking the time to read them.
