Posts Dealing With

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ghana's Gold Salt Trade

Well, I have the second round of parent teacher conferences tonight.  I hope to see a lot of you there.

As such, I don't have a lot of time to post a lengthy blog today.  I'm just going to post some pictures from the simulation.  I'll tell you how to get the extra credit points at the bottom.

To get the extra credit today, students have to read and discuss the blog with an adult.  I'd also like the students to tell the adult what was going on in this simulation.  There was gold, there was salt, and there was the Sahara Desert.

I haven't explained all the symbolism yet, but maybe you could tell your parents how a trade was made.  You could also guess as to why it was silent.  What did that symbolize?  Why do you think I had you crawl across the Sahara?  Tell your parents who ended up with the most gold.  Hint: It wasn't one of the traders...  And, where is Ghana anyway?

If you've done all that, write a sentence telling me your favorite part of the simulation.  (I know, the whole thing was great, right?)  After you've finished the sentence, have the adult you read the blog with sign the paper.  Turn it in tomorrow in the extra credit tray.


  1. Hello, I'm a 7th grade social studies teacher and I stumbled across your blog as I was searching for a Gold/ Salt trade simulation. Can you email info as to how your simulation was set up? (

    Thank you!

  2. I am also a 7th grade social studies teacher - teaching Africa for the first time. I've been searching and searching for trading simulations. I would be very grateful if you would email me how you set up your simulation. (

    Thank you!

  3. I've been a little swamped. I'll try to remember to send an email tomorrow. :)
