Posts Dealing With

Friday, November 16, 2012

A Little Lesson in Acting

The students performed their government Act-it-Outs/ Skits/ Performances/ Whatever we're calling them now.  Yep.  That was today.  I could write about it, or I could give you a little taste of a couple of them.

If there was time at the end of the class, we took a vote (*ahem* much like a Direct Democracy *ahem*)  to see which type of government we would film.  Dictatorship won in most classes, but a couple others worked their way in as well.  A couple classes ran out of time.

I apologize that the audio isn't the best on a couple of these.  I hope you enjoy them anyway.

I've never uploaded videos before, so lets hope it worked.  Great job to all the groups - those that were shown, and those that weren't shown.  Most everyone did a fantastic job.  If you want extra credit today, watch a video from a class other than your own.  Try to figure out what type of government it is.  On a scrap piece of paper, write down what happened in the video you watched, what type of government you think it is, and why.

Turn it in on Monday.  See you then.


  1. To E.C.:

    Thanks for your great comments. I tried to display your comment without showing your profile picture, but I couldn't figure it out, so I had to lose the comments.

    Anyway, I had fun too. My memories are high def. even if the audio and video aren't. :)

  2. Awesome. See you in sixth hour.
