Posts Dealing With

Friday, December 21, 2012

Access From Home

If you didn't finish your Hammurabi power point, you'll want to finish that over break.  You can access your files this way:

I think most people know this, but students can access their digital school work from home.  In case you're wondering how to do this, here's how:

Student File Access From Home

1.  Type in   

2. Type in your user name   (entire first and last name no spaces.)

3. The password is your lunch code number

4. Click on My Files

5. Click on the little + sign by the yellow folder. This should give you access to all your                              

For the sake of speed and the security of your file, when modifying existing files on our network, it’s a good idea to save the file to your local hard drive first. To do this, right click on the file name, choose Save Target As and put it on the desktop of your home computer. You can continue to save to this location throughout the time you work on your file.

 6.  When you are ready to put your work back on our network, use the Upload Files button near the top right of the screen to browse to the modified file. Highlight the file and click Open. It will then display the path to the modified file in the File Upload Utility window. Click Upload to put it back on our network in the folder being displayed when you clicked on Upload Files.
7.  It is very important to Sign Out of the portal when finished to avoid problems logging into the network when back at school.  

It's a cinch, right?

When you finish, send it to me via email.  I don't have access to your network drives.

Once again, here is the Hammurabi Webquest.

When you're finished, you should have exactly 8 slides.  No more, no less.

Alright.  This is not an extra credit post.  I'll post that a little later on in the break.  And speaking of the break, I hope it's a good one for everyone.  Stay safe and warm.


  1. I have finished my powere point but it is not letting me send it to you

    ~One of the 5th hour Taylor (:

  2. Hmmm... That's weird. I wonder if it's bouncing back on my end or yours. It could be that the file is too big and the school's firewall (or whatever) thinks it's SPAM.

    Try it again, if it doesn't work I'll post my google email address, and you can send it there.

  3. Hey Mr. Habecker I can access my project I just can't work on it.
    - Victoria from 1st hour

  4. Can't, or don't have time? If it says, 'read-only' you might be able to 'save-as' and then name it something new, and then still work on it.

  5. I tried what you told me but all it lets me do is view it as a slideshow. Oh and I do have time.

  6. What is your email?
    Wynne from 7th hour

  7. @ Victoria: That's weird. Don't worry about it.

    @Wynne: I'm typing up an extra credit post, I'll put my email there.

  8. Mr. Habecker

    It will not let me email it to you. My mom even tried. We don't know what to do. We can't find your email too.


    Gage Brown 7th

  9. My email:

    Sometimes the school's filter won't allow large emails through.

    If this doesn't work, bring it in on a flash drive, or you could email it to yourself. I believe you can also upload it to your network drive. (What you accessed from home.)
