Posts Dealing With

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Culture and the Games

Many students have homework tonight.

If they didn't finish their ingredients of culture pictures, they were to take them home and complete them for homework.  True enough, a lot of students DID finish them, so chances are they're not lying to you if they say they got it done.

We read The Hunger Games during class today.  We're at the point where I can start to tie some social studies content in with it.  For instance, Katniss has never ridden in a car before.  She's never taken a shower - let alone a warm one.  She's never ridden in a train.  So, that gave us a chance to discuss the standard of living in the seam.

We also discussed dictatorships a bit, and the propaganda they put out, as well as issues dealing with human rights - like the freedom to travel.

If you want the extra credit for reading and discussing tonight's blog, discuss The Hunger Games.  Tell the adult you read the blog with what's happened so far.

Then, find a scrap of paper and write "I would have helped Katniss if she was digging through my trash looking for food."  Have the adult sign it.  (You see, even in the extra-credit code sentence I'm trying to instill cultural values in you.)

Photo credit: The Hiking Artist.

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