Posts Dealing With

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Shooting an Elephant

Today in class we read on of my favorite essays of all time - perhaps my favorite.

Instead of writing a new blog post about it, I'm going to send you to one I wrote a couple of years ago.  I'll probably be asking some of the questions found there in class tomorrow, so you'll have a head-start.

If you want the extra credit, Go HERE to get it.

Adults, if you've never read Shooting an Elephant, I highly encourage it.  You can read it HERE.

Again, I think it's one of the best pieces of writing in the English language.


  1. hey, Habecker! its me again... about Hetalia, you can find it on:
    just go to dubbed anime tab, and go to h. then search for Hetalia, and watch the first episode!!! be careful though, it can be a little inappropriate... show it to the class! it REALLY taught me a lot about history!!! also, are we gonna use my Kahoot?
