Wednesday, May 2, 2012

ISTEP Review

We took today as another ISTEP review day. It's been a long year... there's a lot to review. One class still had to grade the China maps, so 4th hour grades will be updated by 2:30 PM. I'm not going to post anything else today. If you want the extra credit, have someone quiz you over the review guide. It doesn't have to be a parent or adult this time. They can pawn that job off on one of your brothers or sisters, the neighbor kid down the street, cousin, or... well... anybody... I only ask that you study with someone literate. Your two-month-old sister probably won't be much help. If she is, consider a MENSA application... When you're done, write down two questions using the review guide I gave you. If you forgot it at school, you can print one out here... or you can just download it and use the computer to study. (Actually, I think you can view the document without downloading it.) 

Have the person you studied with sign the two questions, and make sure your name is on it before you turn it in.

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