Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How Did You Find This Site?

The school has a new web server, so there's currently no link to my blog.  ...So I'm not sure how you found it - especially since I didn't hand out my papers on it yet.

Granted, maybe you've been here before...  If you're a previous student: welcome.  If you're a current student or parent - you must be a genius to have found this site...

We've completed our first day of school.  Introductions and procedures in every class.  Good times were had by all.  Good times were had by most.

I'll explain this blog later.  Essentially, you can get extra credit if you read and discuss the blog with an adult - preferably a parent.  For instance, if you want extra credit tomorrow, talk to an adult about your first day of school.  Tell them how it went.  Tell them about your favorite class.  Then, find a scrap piece of paper and write down 2 things that happened today.  Have the adult sign it.

Turn that scrap of paper in tomorrow in the extra credit tray, and BAM!  Extra credit!

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